Our sessions will be
Every pet is unique. Our sessions will be dedicated to assessing your pet’s physical health and creating a personalized plan to fit their unique needs and goals.
We love empowering our owners to understand and be able to participate in the rehab process.
We will work closely with you to help you make informed decisions about your pets' health. Together we will uncover your pet’s hidden potential!
what injuries do you treat?
We assess a variety of injuries and conditions. Some of the most common reasons would include: pain or lameness, post-operative rehab, declining mobility, and preventative advice for younger pets.
How many visits are required?
The number of visits depends on many things: the nature of the injury or condition, the age of the pet, the outcomes of the rehab treatments. An individualized assessment is key to determining the follow-up plan.
What is your cancellation policy?
Your appointment time is reserved just for you and your pet. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists' day that could have been filled by another client. As such, we require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment.
Clients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a $35 cancellation fee.
what types of animals do you treat?
The majority of our caseload is dogs however we love all small animal! Ask us for more info.
how often would I need to bring my pet?
Frequency is very pet specific. We see some pets a handful of times on a weekly basis and others we see a few times a year when needed. The typical acute injury would require weekly follow-ups to ensure that we are making progress and then less frequent check-ins until we meet our goal.